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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Week of April 13 - 17 Technology Post #2

Parents and Students. The Tech focus this week is Digital Citizenship and MUSIC!
You may be getting swamped with resources ideas. Please take these as opportunities if you need them, but they are not obligations. 
Four videos this week:
  • BrainPop on Internet safety
  • Exploring Digital Music with Chrome Music Lab
  • Watching for Advertising, Asking for Parent Help 
  • Digital Music: Incredibox


Parents: BrainPop is an educational website that offers content in many areas. Our school does not subscribe, but many do. During these tough times, they are offering families free access to their entire site. So if you have a child wanting to explore more online, this is a safe and rich place to land.  You will need to create an account HERE. And it is, at the moment, limited to 30 days. I use some of their free videos in my tech classes, and I have contact with their staff. They are highly respected!


Your task: Watch the video. Then ask your parents/guardians if they have ever had their personal information hacked. Or if they know someone who has. I have! FOUR TIMES! 

Oh, by the way. The character Jin in this video is a REAL PERSON! No kidding. Her name is Annie and she works for BrainPOP. She said that when she was in elementary school, she had the same haircut you see on Jin. She also said that all the characters are based on real BrainPOP people!


Mr. J

Exploring Digital Music with Chrome Music Lab

This is a fun website made by Google,  Chrome Music Lab. It is free of advertising, made by Google and has so so many options for making music online. As an app, it costs money, but in the browser it is free.

Watching for Advertising, Asking for Parent Help 

At school, students learn the acronym TAGU:
                                          T - Tell
                                          A - a
                                          G - Grown
                                          U - Up

Tell a grownup whenever the student is not sure what to do on a website, or sees something inappropriate, or has a question. Tell a grownup, that is, when the grownup is not working, cooking, napping or otherwise in a Do Not Disturb mode! This video shows students how some sites are free from advertising, some have a bit, and some use some tricks to get you to click and go to their website.

Digital Music: Incredibox

Another cool digital music site! Be careful about where you click!
The URL is