You are invited to join us every weekday for new lessons and activities. We are excited to take turns posting each morning for you to enjoy here on this blog.
Weekly Schedule
- Movement Monday with Mr. Williams & MJ (Physical Education)
- Tuneful Tuesday with Mrs. Clayton (Music)
- Wellness Wednesday with Mrs. Francke (Guidance) and Tempting Tech with Mr. Jarrad
- Artful Thursday with Mrs. Kane (Art)
- Freybrary Friday with Mrs. Frey (Library)
We truly miss seeing you all at UES! You are always welcome to send us an email with questions, share your learning and work from home, or just say hello! We would LOVE to hear from you!
Mr. Williams: EmmanuelR@mpsvt.org
MJ: MJ@mpsvt.org
Mrs. Francke: SuzanneF@mpsvt.org
Mrs. Kane: KristinaK@mpsvt.org
Mrs. Clayton: jessicaclayton@mpsvt.org
Mrs. Frey: MaritaF@mpsvt.org
Mrs. Francke, Mrs. Frey, Mrs. Clayton, MJ, Mr. Williams, Mr. Jarrad, and Mrs. Kane