Interactive Arts Office Hours

Click HERE for our Office hours and our Google Meets schedules.
Guidance is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Families! Please CLICK HERE to take this very short survey to help us reflect on our current Continuation Plan.
It really helps us to help you. Thanks!

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Daily Special: Last Post of the School Year

We did it! We made it to the end. Congratulations! 

For our last video of the year, we made one last Daily Special video to celebrate all we accomplished.
Have a great summer! 

Mrs. Clayton's last day at UES was last Wednesday. Things happening in the world seem tough and weird and maybe even a little scary. She created one last message for you to remember when things feel bad. Enjoy! and Goodbye! 

Lastly, we do not want to leave you empty-handed for the summer. We want you to know that The Daily Special will stay active over the summer, and you can come back ANYTIME to do the activities we posted. We have included links below to make searching by subject a little easier for you: 

Terrific Technology          Artful Thursday            Freybrary Friday
Note: You can also use the labels on the right hand side of the page.