Interactive Arts Office Hours

Click HERE for our Office hours and our Google Meets schedules.
Guidance is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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It really helps us to help you. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Week of June 1-5 Technology #8

Please note that I will not be having office hours this week due to a medical procedure and recovery. -Jeffrey Jarrad

Caregivers: I encourage you to watch the Digital Citizenship video with your young buddies and answer any questions they may have!

GOOGLE EARTH PROJECTS: When the School closed and we had to stay at home, we lost that great part of talking with our friends. On Google Earth, you can at least map out where they are! You'll need to know their addresses, or how to find their homes from the map. Have fun! CLICK HERE or on the picture.

DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP (Grades 2-4): Students, as you grow, you'll naturally start to connect more online. But some of what you read and see might not be nice. Learn what to do when this happens, including TAGU....Tell A Grown Up. 
And of course there is MYSTERY DOUG! This week, a student asks Doug, "Are unicorns real?".