Interactive Arts Office Hours

Click HERE for our Office hours and our Google Meets schedules.
Guidance is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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It really helps us to help you. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Week of June 1-5: Tuneful Tuesday #8

Hello everyone! This is the last week that I get to be your music teacher. I have had such a great time preparing these lessons for you!

Please remember to come day hello, share your favorite music activity, sing a song, or play a music game with me during office hours today, from 11 am- 1pm.

Thank you for such a wonderful time creating for UES! Love, Mrs. Clayton

All activities are below!

Awesome Owls at Home:
Will in Kindergarten has been playing a drumset that his grandfather made him. Check out his picture: Will on drumset
Grades K-1

Lots to do!

The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra: game link HERE


String Savannah (Bass and Harp): link HERE
Brasslands: link HERE
Percussion Paradise/ Prologue: link HERE

Grades 2-4

Keep working on previous weeks' songs! Link to last week is HERE. If you need to go back further, use the LABELS to easily search. I would suggest the "Music" label, so you can look at all the Music weeks at the same time.

I have some other strumming videos that you might like to try out.
This will give you some other strumming options, if you are ready for more.

Island strum
How to Chuck
How to strum really fast

I have my uke tuned up and ready to jam. Who is going to come play some ukulele songs with me today?

Sweet Treats

My last sweet treat for you is a long one! But you should totally check it out!

A famous opera that is staged using famous video games: Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong.

Who knew that opera could have so much in common with video games?!?!

The opera is called "The Magic Flute" written by Amadeus Mozart. Yeah, that guy, the REALLY famous composer guy who was performing all across Europe, and for kings and queens when he was elementary school aged. Brilliant. Enjoy!

The Magic Flute (SuperFlute): link HERE