Interactive Arts Office Hours

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Guidance is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Week of May 11-15: Artful Thursday #5: It's Showtime!

Do you LOVE watching movies or cartoons? Have you ever thought of them as Art before? Here is a short video from Mrs. Kane and Michelangelo to start:

Then, click "Read More" below and choose ONE of the following Art lessons! 

  • FLIP-BOOK ANIMATION! Walt Disney started his cartoons by drawing with pencil and paper! Materials: Post-it pad, a marker. Directions HERE. "How to" video here from MetKids: 
  • STOP-MOTION ANIMATION! **This one will require some adult help to start** Materials: free Stop Motion app, a phone or iPad, and your choice of a toy, or a paper cut-out, or an object. Directions HERE, "How To" video below from Mrs. Kane:

  • SHOE BOX PUPPET THEATER! Turn a box into a puppet theater for Materials: A single sheet of paper, markers or crayons. For puppets you can use magazines or photos or draw on paper, with straws or bamboo skewers or cardboard strips for the rods. Directions HERE

  • CRANKIE!! (A Crankie is like an old time version of a television with a scroll that you crank to make the pictures move! You can tell the story or sing the song to accompany your crankie, or play a recording.) ** This one will require some adult help to start ** Materials: a tea box or a shoe box or another small box, an x-acto knife or scissors, a long piece of paper, two chopsticks or straws, your choice of drawing materials. 
  • HERE are directions from Mrs. Kane about how to make your own crankie with an empty tea box! Below are some examples of crankies that illustrate songs:
    Kids worked together on a crankie for the song "I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground" 
    Young people worked together to write the "The Shoe Song" and create a crankie

    Lastly, here is the "Spring Surprises" slideshow of student artwork from last week! Please send your movie of your animation or puppet show to by next Wednesday morning, and we will put them together for a "UES Film Fest" movie next Artful Thursday!