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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Week of May 4-8 Wellness Wednesday Week #4

Hi UES, 
This week’s lesson is all about how our thoughts can make us feel certain feelings.  We are always in
charge of how we choose to act and this comes from how we are thinking.  Stay tuned below for a
very special guest teacher as well ….

When we are calm, we can trust our thinking.  If we trust our thinking when we are upset or mad
it can make things worse.

Here is another read aloud for today from the book, What is a Thought? (A Thought is a Lot)
by Jack Pransky and Amy Kahofer.  

You can find the video here.

After the read aloud, check out some ideas below for how to get back to a
calm body when you are not feeling that way to begin with.  

1. Yoga or mindful movement:

Check out what Ms. Winters is sharing on the UES Social/Emotional Learning site every week, you can
find the videos on our site here.

2. For some of us, focusing on breathing can be helpful, check out this awesome read aloud and
breathing practice:

3. And last but certainly not least, check out this journal that you can either download or use for ideas to
write in your own notebook:

Have a grown up help you to send me an email with a photo of what you are doing to find that calm and
peaceful place at home.  Maybe you have an idea that I haven’t thought of yet, I would love to see
pictures of what you do and I will post them on the SEL website.  Take care everyone!