Interactive Arts Office Hours

Click HERE for our Office hours and our Google Meets schedules.
Guidance is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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It really helps us to help you. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wellness Wednesday Week of May 25-29 Mind Bubbles

Hi everyone,
Wow, we have almost made it to the end of May.  We can do this!  Here is my read aloud for the week and I have included a Mindful Kids activity as well.  Be on the lookout for a special surprise during the videos.

Listen to the read aloud here.

Check out this Mindful Kids Activity here and 
click on read more below to see some other ideas.

I found this great video from Cosmic Kids that talks about thought bubbles:
Click here to watch ...
Last but not least here are three ideas you could try:
  1. Draw (or paste) an image of you surrounded by three thought bubbles. In the thought bubbles, write things that you believe about yourself.
  2. Answer these questions: Why do you think this? How often do you think this? Has someone else described you this way?
  3. Lastly, create affirmation cards. When you are finished, you can tape the affirmation cards to a mirror (or another location) to provide positive reminders of how awesome they are!
If you have a printer, you can find the links to printouts for these activities here.

I am enjoying the photos some of you have sent, feel free to email me, you never know where you might see yourself in future lessons ....

Enjoy this beautiful summer weather, spend some time outside blowing bubbles and noticing your thoughts this week.  And don't forget to check out the new yoga for kids videos that Ms. Winters has created on the UES Social/Emotional Learning site.