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Friday, May 15, 2020

Week of May 11-15: Library Freyday #5: Tom's Tweet and The One and Only Ivan (#2)

Happy Friday!

Again this week there will be two books available for your listening pleasure.  One is a picture book, the other the continuation of reading the chapter book:  The One and Only Ivan.  This week the picture book we'll be reading is Tom's Tweet, by Jill Esbaum, illustrated by Dan Santat:  

This week's chapter book read aloud is the continuation of The One and Only Ivan, written by Katherine Applegate, read by Mrs. Frey:

For more connections, information, activities...

Tom's Tweet:
Here are some questions to think about and talk about with your people…
  • Why is Tom so surprised that Tweet wants to cuddle in?
  • What would you do if you found a baby bird out of it’s nest?
  • How does Dan Santat, the illustrator, help show what Tom is feeling?
  • Have you seen any birds around?  What do they look and sound like?
  • Try going outside and drawing birds while observing them in their natural habitat.  Maybe you can show me what you’ve done when you visit during office hours:  Fridays from 11-1.  Use the link at the top of The Daily Special Blog!

About the author and illustrator

Other fiction titles by JILL ESBAUM  


Jill Esbaum speaking on NPR about her foray into writing books for children.  Just saying, you never know...

Here is more information about DAVID SANTAT, including books that he wrote AND illustrated.

This pair of bald eagles have new eaglets that were born in April.  Lots of tweeting going on.

Here is a (kind of long...) list of VERMONT BIRDS.  At the top of the list is a nifty guide to quickly telling what type of bird you’re look at:  

Everyday Birds,  by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater.  This read aloud is a combination of read aloud and collage art project...

Birds by Kevin Henkes

The One and Only Ivan:

Here is a link to a short video showing The Real Ivan when he was at Zoo Atlanta.

Here is a link to a longer video (about 8 minutes) about The Real Ivan as told by the curator at Zoo Atlanta who worked with Ivan for about ten years.  She gives more details about Ivan's life after his stay - for twenty six years - at the Big Top Mall.

This link will take you to more information about Katherine Applegate, author.  She provides a sneak peak into the upcoming sequel to Ivan, The One and Only Bob.