Interactive Arts Office Hours

Click HERE for our Office hours and our Google Meets schedules.
Guidance is available Wednesday 2-3pm.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Families! Please CLICK HERE to take this very short survey to help us reflect on our current Continuation Plan.
It really helps us to help you. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wellness Wednesday Week of May 11-14 Nobody Hugs a Cactus

Hi friends,

Here is a read aloud for the week.  As you are listening to the story think about how an act of kindness can change how you feel and how it might change the way someone else feels about you.  I hope you enjoy the story.

Check out the ideas for activities below ...

Here is an art activity that you could choose to try:

Click here

Think about how you show kindness and do some writing about it here.

If you would like to make a special note or card to thank someone click here

Grown ups - if you are interested here is a webinar happening Wednesday that might be of interest.

Last, but not least, Ms. Winters has posted a new kids yoga video on the UES Social/Emotional Learning site.  Lots of great activities can be found there.

Feel free to email me with pictures of what you have done to be kind @