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Friday, May 29, 2020

Week of May 26 - 29: Library Freyday #7


The One and Only Ivan (#4)

Happy Friday!

Again this week there will be two books available for your continued listening pleasure.  Our picture book this week is one of this year's Red Clover Books, POTATO PANTS! It's written and illustrated by Laurie Keller.  Our other book is, the continued reading of The One and Only Ivan, by Katherine Applegate.


This week's chapter book read aloud is the continuation of The One and Only Ivan, written by Katherine Applegate, read by Mrs. Frey:

For more connections, information, activities...


Here are some questions to think about and talk about with your people…
  • What does "apologize" mean? Why is it important in our story?
  • What does it mean to "let it out"? How did Potato let it out?
  • What do you do when you're upset? Do you have any tools you use to calm yourself down?
  • How could Potato have handled himself differently, after he was pushed aside by Eggplant?

About the author and illustrator...
Here is Laurie Keller's website.  It includes information about her picture books as well as her chapter books. She is the author of some very popular books including Arnie the Doughnut and Do unto Otters.

But wait, there's more...
Here is a link to Learn to do the Mashed Potato Dance.  It's a real thing and fun to do.
Here's a link to the song Mashed Potato Time for you to dance too...
If you're not into the Mashed Potato Dance, maybe try a robot dance instead.

Here is a bunch of activities for POTATO PANTS!   On page 4, you'll find plain potato pant that you can try your own potato-y designs. If you're feeling artistic, try designing your own potato pants. Maybe you can design pants for other fruits and veggies.


Here is a link to a short video showing The Real Ivan when he was at Zoo Atlanta.

Here is a link to a longer video (about 8 minutes) about The Real Ivan as told by the curator at Zoo Atlanta who worked with Ivan for about ten years.  She gives more details about Ivan's life after his stay - for twenty six years - at the Big Top Mall.

This link will take you to more information about Katherine Applegate, author.  She provides a sneak peak into the upcoming sequel to Ivan, The One and Only Bob.